Honoring Academic and Athletic Achievement
PURPOSE: To recognize those former students, alumni, faculty, and staff who have made outstanding contributions in their career, academic, or athletic achievements.
ELIGIBILITY: Any student who has attended Camp Lejeune/Lejeune High School for a minimum of one year. A faculty or staff member must have a minimum of 15 years of uninterrupted affiliation with the high school. If a faculty or staff member joined the high school in mid-career and departed before obtaining the 15 years of uninterrupted affiliation, that person would not become eligible for nomination until they had been removed from the system five years after their tenure at the high school.
SELECTION COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: The Selection Committee will consist of no more than 19 members. Membership on the committee will reflect a diversity of the student body to include gender, race, and nationality. Of this number, the Steering Committee would automatically be part of the committee due to their intimate knowledge of the objectives. Thus, the Selection Committee, whenever possible, would consist of the following: Steering Committee (6 members), School Board representative, Parent Teacher Organization representative, High School Student Body President, two representatives from each class decade (40/50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 10s, and 20s).
SELECTION OF CANDIDATES: The Selection Committee cannot conduct business unless a minimum of 10 (ten) members are present to form a quorum. To be selected for induction into the HALL OF DISTINCTION a nominee must receive a "YES" vote on 75% of the ballots cast. (Example: 75% x 19 members = 14.25, therefore, 14 votes would be required for selection.)
SELECTION: Nominations must be submitted/postmarked by JANUARY 15. The Selection Committee convenes in mid-March to select nominees. The Induction Ceremony and Banquet will be held in the Fall at Homecoming (date yet to be determined) or at the next reunion.
FUNDING: Funds must be procured through donations from CLHS/LHS alumni and/or the business community. There are no school funds available. Funding would include the purchase of appropriate plaques/awards for the inductees and the establishment of a Hall of Distinction in the high school to include picture plaques and biographies of the inductees each year. Contributions can be made payable to:
LHS Hall of Distinction
Lejeune High School
835 Stone Street
Camp Lejeune, NC 28547
The Camp Lejeune High - Lejeune High School Hall of Distinction has been approved by and is supported by both the Superintendent of Camp Lejeune Dependent Schools and the Principal of Lejeune High School.
:: Please help communicate our Hall of Distinction to other Devilpups ::
Nominations due January 15th each year
for Induction during Homecoming except during ALL Class Reunion Years