Our History
Lejeune High School is located aboard Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base, a military installation covering 246-square miles in southeastern North Carolina. Approximately 42,000 active duty Marines and sailors are stationed at the Camp Lejeune complex. About 4,500 of the service members reside in federal housing units aboard the base. When you include dependents, the base population typically numbers about 17,000.
Lejeune High School is a comprehensive four-year school and is funded by the Department of Defense. The school serves an average enrollment of 510 students. In the past, all members of the student body were military dependents and must reside in base housing to be eligible to attend. However, Federal Employees may live on the Marine Corps Air Station New River and their children are eligible to attend base schools. By the nature of the community served, the school population is multi-ethnic and transient.
Lejeune High School is accredited by Advanced Ed and is a permanent member of the College Board and the College and the College Scholarship Service.
Please help us to add, update, and correct our school history. The following information has been obtained from yearbooks, The Globe, The Pup's Tale, The Daily News of Jacksonville, newspaper clippings, and the memories of our graduates and former students.
So much of our history has never been recorded, but taken away as personal and class memories. Some history has been lost due to the transient nature of our school and community. CLHS and LHS has a great history and it should be told and shown to continue the pride and tradition in our accomplishments. This history is very important to pass on to the students of today as they learn the origins of "The Devilpup."
Again, please help us to record and preserve the "memories." Pictures, newspaper clippings, audio and video accounts, memorabilia, school newspapers, athletic records, programs – anything that would be of historical importance – would be greatly appreciated!