(The information you provide is for reunion purposes only! If someone is looking for you,
we send YOU an email so you can choose whether or not to get in touch. The request for a second contact
helps us locate you in case you fall off the grid between reunions.)
If you have never registered here before:
- Click on REGISTER at the top of the page.
- Complete the information required on the form.
- Please add a SECOND CONTACT (parents, family member) in the MISC INFO box.
- Submit your information.
If you have registered before and remember the email address but forgot your password you signed up with:
- Click on LOGIN at the top of the page.
- Enter your email address.
- This will allow you to reset your password and make sure your information is current.
- Please add a SECOND CONTACT (parents, family member) in the MISC INFO box.
- Submit your information.
If the system does not recognize your email:
- Use a second email or create a new one in GMAIL.
- Click on REGISTER at the top of the page.
- Complete the information required on the form.
- Please add a SECOND CONTACT (parents, family member) in the MISC INFO box.
- Submit your information.
- I will be notified that you have registered. I can then, delete your old information.
If you have problems registering, email me at for assistance.
The next All-Class Reunion will be held at Camp Lejeune
July 10-13, 2025
Mark Your Calendar Now!
Details will follow. Join us on Facebook to keep up with
immediate details concerning the reunion and
fellow alumni. All groups are kept up-to-date with reunion details.
Lejeune High School Alumni (All-Class)
CLHS (50's and 60s alumni)
All Class Reunion Lejeune High School Alumni Association
Article in The Globe about the reunion
Published July 16, 2015
Our Mission
The mission of our web page is to provide a worldwide method to distribute information about Lejeune High School and to provide a means of communication and contact for all former students, alumni, and faculty.
At some point in our lives, we have a chance to reflect on our lives and the people, places, and events that were special to us and impacted us. Many feel that Lejeune High and all that it encompassed was one of those unique places. Many want to reconnect with those experiences and people; others do not and do not want to be contacted, and we will always respect their wishes and privacy.
Your ALUMNI ASSOCIATION is not an elected body of officers and committees (this should be something for us to work on in the future), but it has existed through the dedication and hard work of several individuals and small groups (composed of grads and non-grads) that have teamed together.
The 1940's alumni have set the example for us and have been meeting together for years. Mr. Floyd Bryant and his National Honor Society kept the "alumni files" for years as their club project. When Mr. Bryant retired, the torch was passed to Rose Auber Brown '70 for many years and then Mike Smith '61 filled in as the "keeper of the alumni records." This has been a "labor of love" on everyone's part as today we have over 3500 names in our files; unfortunately, they all do not contain updated addresses due to our very mobile society and loss of contacts.
We hope our web page will assist those who would like to reconnect and stay in contact with their friends and faculty from Camp Lejeune High School (LHS and CLHS).

and Athletic Achievement Purpose:
To recognize those former students, alumni, faculty and staff who have made outstanding contributions in their career, academic or athletic achievements.